You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived."- NIV Colossians 3:7

Friends Pub - Westbank

Service options: Has outdoor seating · Serves great cocktails · Has karaokeAddress: 2210 Boucherie Rd, West Kelowna, BC V1Z 2E5Hours: Open ⋅ Closes 12 a.m.Phone: (250) 769-4757Menu:

Heavens Gate

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me". "you are the closest to heaven and hell that i have ever been"

Dubai - The Most Luxurious City In The World

how the do any of these s afford that - *gives the death glare at the church of bitcoin* money laundering 00101100

Welcome to the living : The-Third-Testament

please lets keep this respectful, i just need you to signup to my donate whatever you can

Christ Church Cathedral - Ottawa

Christ Church Cathedral is the Anglican cathedral in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The church is located at 414 Sparks Street in the northwest section of the city's downtown at the western end of Sparks Street on top of a promontory looking down to the Ottawa River.

Quantum Games

Located in: Hollywood StationAddress: 150 Hollywood Rd S #15, Kelowna, BC V1X 3S9Hours: Open ⋅ Closes 9 p.m.Phone: (250) 763-1806Province: British Columbia

human beings - After Death "all i can offer you is the power of crypto currency" and the programmers you trust behind them and there technologies. - "are you my dad?"