memes that teach me more than my teacher please accept all cookes on every corpo website. (i am so intrigued.) - dont go there if you do your gonna be going to church.
READ FULL STORY , ah yes, greeting my neighbor with the classic "Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo on a ship-shipping ship shipping shipping- ships while doing the can-can can can can can-can" is my favorite thing to do in the morning if you do go to the gematrix use google along side it lots to learn and decipher. i would like to talk to more individuals interested in this as well it does intrigue me ill be honest.could this be time travelling Jesus?
Verbs - A Dictionary (i believe it represents the crown of thorns falling from Jesus on the cross in this point in time perhaps) The Feast of Crows
What Is the Origin and Purpose of Church Bells?Since the fifth century, some Christian churches have been ringing bells for spiritual and practical purposes such as to call the faithful to worship, to highlight a particular stage during a church service, to remind the faithful of God’s presence in their daily lives, and to announce important occurrences to the local community. A World as a Nation.
Heavens hr department love you miss swift sorry that i am me. "the children"
mom your lieing to yourself about what you know about sugar glucose and protein you .!
when someone asks for help you help donated 24 dogecoin "i changed someones world mom" -
Media corporation and the oligarchy monopoly of god and the air you and i breathe "i like our world and the way it runs do you think it should change and how so please let me know and why"
So what do you think of allaboutbit? "common now you do understand english right or do you need a lawyer present for your mind?"